Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Redemption Of The Truth

In the Parasha of this week we see Yitro, a non-Jew, give an advice to Moshe, and Moshe listens to his voice. We conclude that Yitro's words contained a truth that Moshe until then did not have. It is a lesson for the generations: We must accept the truth from whoever says it. This is not simple. It can happen that one "truth" contradicts another "truth", and a struggle ensues, a struggle for the truth. The truth needs to be redeemed. We need to fight for the completion of the Torah. This is the reason for the long Galut, and for the history of Judaism. It is the reason for the long history of mankind. It is the purpose of evolution. It is the purpose of Creation. We need to establish the truth, bit by bit. And we need to say of each bit who said it first.

"Concerning the faith in man it is said in Parshat Nitzavim: "And not with you alone did I establish a covenant, but with those who are here with us and with those who are not here today..." Therefore each and everyone of us, our children and grandchildren until the conclusion of all the generations who have entered the covenant, are duty bound to examine the secrets of the Torah and to straighten out our faith concerning it by accepting the truth from whomever says it..."
(Rav Eliezer Ashkenazi)

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

US versus Israel

Interesting news items today. Especially the words "messianic" and "obsessive" for the behavior of the US. They are very true, but of course Obama and Kerry are insulted, and now want Netanyahu to officially retract them. Fascinating.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Seven Ages

The age of the Universe: 29^2*2^14 kiloyears.
The age of the earliest life: 29^2*2^12 kiloyears.
The age of homo (humans): 29^2*2 kiloyears.
The age of homo sapiens: 29*2^14 years.
The age of homo sapiens sapiens: 29*2^12 years.
The age/death of Rashbi: 29*2^6 years before 5796.
The age/death of Arizal: 29*2^4 years before 5796.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Tikkun Arba'im

For all the strong hand - that HaKadosh Baruch Hu wants now to reveal this revelation in the world. Only that some Sitrin Acharanin would want to accuse and to delay. Until HaKadosh Baruch Hu woke up forcefully, and wanted it. Therefore, for all the strong hand, that now is the time about which is written: “When you are in distress, and all these things have befallen you,” et cetera (Devarim 4: 30), that the Sitra Achara closed off the ways in every direction. And with all of that, HaKadosh Baruch Hu split it with his power, and wanted that this light be revealed in the world. And the secret: “his going forth is sure as the morning” (Hoshea 6:3), in the morning the splitter splits the darkness and goes forth, so HaKadosh Baruch Hu made a split between the Klipot, and produced the light. And about this is written: “Who is she who looks out like the morning” (Shir HaShirim 6:10). Like the morning, which goes forth, and the darkness flees from it, at the hour that this split occurs between the Klipot, the Sitra Achara flees from it, and surely, it breaks. This is (the secret of) for all the great awesomeness - and this is the great light, that is from the side of the internal. And from the side of the external: “the small light that rules over the night” (Bereishit 1:16) - the Galut, that is Halacha, which goes (holechet) in the Galut. But Kabbala, which is received from the King, is the great light that rules over the day. On this: “My beloved put his hand by the split of the door” (Shir HaShirim 5:4), and because of this split, the light went forth. Then: “and my heart was thrilled for him” (Shir HaShirim 5:4). Many will come together to approach the King, through this book, at the time that it will be revealed to them. Then, the Sitra Achara will flee, and hide itself, until it will disappear completely from the world. And all the Tikkunim that were done for the Shechina, will in the future be revealed. And so: “We were like dreamers” (Tehilim 126: 1), because then they will see some Tikkunim, that were unknown and not revealed, and all will see them, like one who sees a dream, which he does not understand.

Then: “The righteous one shall rejoice, when he sees vengeance” (Tehilim 58:11). That is Moshiach ben Yosef, who started the matter and HaKadosh Baruch Hu afterwards rose up and did similarly. So, “The righteous one shall rejoice, when he sees vengeance” (Tehillim 58:11). After that he will himself finish it: “His feet shall he bathe in the blood of the wicked.” Then: “And Adam will say: There is, indeed, reward for the Tzaddik” (Tehilim 58:12). That is Adam HaRishon. And the Tzaddik - that is Moshiach ben Yosef, who is duly valued in his Tikkunim, Adam, David, Moshiach (Rashei Teivot Adam). “There is, indeed, a G-d judging the land” (Tehilim 58:12) - that is G-d of Kedusha, at the time that they reach the level of Imma, as is written: “Be exalted above the heavens, O G-d, et cetera” (Tehilim 57:6). Then will break all the unholy sides before him. He himself will hit the powers of un-holiness with various plagues like He did in Mitsrayim, as it is written: “The mighty G-d, etc, who smites, etc.” (Shmuel I, 4:8) That is a secret: “Like the days of your coming out of the Land of Mitzrayim, I will show him marvelous things” (Micha 7:15) - fifty (Nun) miracles, from the side of Imma, sure.

About the same time: “HaShem alone shall be exalted” (Yeshaya 2:11), that all will be included in HaShem, and there is no one else who rules in the world. About the same time: “They will praise the name of HaShem” (Tehilim 148:13), that is a song that is duly valued, “for his name alone will be exalted” (Tehilim 148:13), as was explained. “His splendor” (Tehilim 148:13) - that is Moshiach ben Yosef, “is above Earth and Heaven” (Tehilim 148:13) - that hold on to each other, from the side of the Tzaddik, surely. About him: “And he will have exalted the pride of his nation causing praise for all of his devout ones” (Tehilim 148:14) - from the side of Imma. “Halleluyah” - that is the completeness of the Yichud. Blessed is the part of Israel, in this world and in the next world.

(Ramchal, Tikkunim Chadashim)

Monday, January 6, 2014

Arba Shitot Beit Din Shel Ma'alah

There are four ways in which man can be judged. One is random, not looking at all to his deeds, his verbalizations, his thoughts. This is the Hanhaga of Nature, the Hanhaga of evolution. Another Hanhaga is according to deeds and verbalizations and thoughts, both positive and negative. This is the Hanhaga of the Talmud, and the "Shulchan Aruch." These two ways are Hanhagot of Din, of Elokim.

The other two Hanhagot are of Mercy, of HaShem. They are opposite the two Hanhagot of Elokim. There is the Hanhaga of the (first) Zohar. Man is judged favorably, according to the "Shulchan Aruch." Then there is the fourth Hanhaga, of the second Zohar, the Hanhaga for the sons of HaShem, for the Tzaddik, in which man is judged according to his thoughts only. Verbalizations and deeds are deemed irrelevant, as they follow from the thoughts.