Sunday, December 29, 2013

Sons of HaShem

One of the most interesting aspects of the current political constellation is the obsessive nature of the US, the EU, Russia, China, et cetera, regarding Israel. See, the natural thing for Obama, Kerry, Ashton, and Merkel, et cetera, would be to let Israel handle it own business. They, Obama et al., would behave like animals, denying the existence of G-d, and G-d would treat them Midah k'neged midah, as animals. That would not be favorable, but there would also not be judgment. It would be the Hanhaga of Elokim, the G-d of Nature.

There is one way to essentially change the equation, and this is what is happening. As the time of their judgment comes near, they have to come and interfere in Israel's affairs, in the affairs of those who live as the sons of HaShem, and who HaShem treats, Midah k'neged midah, as sons, favorably, above the laws of Nature. By trying to interfere in this Hanhaga they, Obama, Merkel, Kerry, will discover that HaShem is Elokim, that Elokim is HaShem, in the hard way: judgment will be upon them. At the same time, Israel will learn to live as sons of HaShem.