Saturday, June 4, 2016

The Science of Torah

The science of Torah is a science that addresses the Torah, and more general, Tanach. Orthodox Jews may not like it. They may even deride it, despise it. However, be as it may, it is clearly mandatory to learn it, certainly for students of Ramchal and the GR"A, and to all who seek the truth.

The Talmid Chacham might ask the question: How does this Chochmah, the science of Torah, help me? My answer is that it depends. If he has mentally left the Galut, which is unlikely if he is a student of Gemara, more likely if he is a student of the Zohar along the lines of Chaim Vital, and very likely if he is a student of the second Zohar, of Ramchal, then the following applies.

The Torah that we have is the broken image of our broken world. We have to do our utmost best to repair the broken image, and thru that the broken world. We are to oppose the evil trying to impose itself on Israel, the Western world and the Islamic world. What is the best way to do this? By recognizing that the roots of these are in the Torah, in the forces of evil called P and D, which likewise attempt to impose a ruling class on Yisrael, be it the Levi'im in D(tn), or the Kohanim in P. And that the response to D and P was to the point: the Galut.