Monday, October 19, 2015

Next Chance

The universal 19-year cycle can be succinctly written in terms of its leap years, 1,3,6,9,11,14,17. In our current calendar, year 17 is mapped to year 1 of the universal cycle. This year, 5776, is year 3 of the universal cycle, a leap year. The Sanhedrin could not change it, not because they are not aware of the fact that 15 Adar Beth 5776, would-be Pesach, is well after the Spring Equinox, but because as a Sanhedrin they are not recognized by the majority of the people of Israel.

The next chance is year 9 of the universal cycle, year 5782. It could be declared, by the Sanhedrin, to be year 11 of the universal cycle. Alternatively, using the standard numbers, year 6 of our current calendar, should become year 8. Going forward then, leap years are as usual, the years 3,6,8,11,14,17,19. May we merit it.