Saturday, December 7, 2013

What Shall It Be?

Regarding the equation

13! + 288^2 = (288*274)^2

and the equation for the age of the Universe

16! + 35750*29*2^14 = 35750^2*2^14

a further rumination.

So, we have three values for the age of the Universe, 13.759 billion years, 13.801 billion years, and 13.779 billion years. Which one shall it be?

The first value, based on 288/320, is in a sense from the first Zohar, from Moshiach ben David. The second value, based on 13/16, is in a sense from the second Zohar, from Moshiach ben Yosef. The third value is a compromise, by Moshe as it were, a case of right, left, and middle. The very fact that a compromise exists, points to 13.779 billion years as the true value.