Sunday, November 24, 2013

Perush Bereishit

And Avraham, the Elder, the Chassid, arose, opened and said: "In the beginning Elohim created HaShamayim and HaAretz. And HaAretz was Tohu VaVohu" (Bereishit 1,1-2), in the Galut. [About this: "He has placed me in darkness like the eternally dead" (Eichah 3:6) - the Babylonian Talmud (Sanhedrin 24a).] "And darkness was upon the face of the deep" (Bereishit 1:3) - this is darkness from the side of the Shechina, from which all the powers of Tum'ah draw their strength. That is why it is written: "upon the face of the deep". "And Elohim said, Let there be light: and there was light" (Bereishit 1:3) - from the side of the Zachar. "And Elohim saw that the light was good" (Bereishit 1:4), that is the light that is set aside (Ohr HaGanuz) and will be revealed in the world. That will be the time of the Geula.

Tikkunim Chadashim, Tikkun 30 [First Hakdama].